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Prostitution, Free Speech, and a Veteran Memorial: 3 Interesting Court Cases

Via The Daily Bell

Let’s Not Pick and Choose Our Freedoms

Prostitution has been illegal in California for 145 years. But for the first time, judges appear to be considering overturning the law.

In the past, challenges to the law have been outright dismissed. But now judges have agreed to take a closer look at the California law.

“Why should it be illegal to sell something that it’s legal to give away?” A judge asked in court.

And he has a point. We shouldn’t limit other people’s freedom, no matter how distasteful it seems. It may offend you. But that is no reason to stop other people from doing what they want.

And while many would seek to equate prostitution to human trafficking, these are two separate issues. In fact, it may be easier to focus on human trafficking if prostitution were legal. Resources which currently waste time picking up the same prostitutes and cycling them through the courts could be redirected to catching actual traffickers.

And legal prostitutes in the industry could then shed light on illicit activities involving trafficking if they didn’t have to fear being prosecuted for prostitution itself.

Police Can Arrest You for Anything They Want in St. Louis

An ordinance in St. Louis is aimed at giving police broad powers to arrest protestors. City officials are arguing in court that the town law is not a violation of free speech.

The ordinance states that police officers can arrest people for interfering with or obstructing officers “in any manner.”

The case stems from protests in 2015 over police killings. The ordinance was challenged but upheld, and that decision is now being appealed.

The code is vague and overly broad. It allows police to construe some reason to arrest almost anyone they come into contact with. The police arrested people for standing or walking in the road after being told not to.

The ordinance even allows police to arrest anyone who even talks to them while making an arrest.

Police already have too much power to arrest people. This law is clearly contrary to free speech and limits the right to protest and speak your mind.

Some people might think it is rude, but basic acts of protest, or even yelling at police, is protected free speech. If we want to keep our rights, we have to respect those ones that annoy us.

WWI Memorial Cross Must be Taken Down, Court Rules

A 92-year-old monument in Maryland to WWI veterans has been ruled unconstitutional. A three-judge panel in the U.S. court of appeals made the ruling because the memorial is in the shape of a cross. They say it must be taken down.

The group that sued says it is discriminatory against other religions and violates the separation of church and state.

But what the constitution actually says is that Congress shall make no law establishing a religion, or preventing the free exercise thereof.

Does a memorial in the shape of a religious symbol really constitute establishing a religion? How is that preventing anyone from exercising their own religion?

This is just another case of whiny people making an issue out of nothing. It’s a World War One memorial. If you don’t want to make future memorials in the shape of religious symbols, fine. But who is wasting their time trying to get an almost 100-year-old monument torn down?

Some people have too much time on their hands and are just looking for things to be offended about.