Hundreds of activists and Human rights groups have gathered outside the Saudi embassy in London, demanding the release of Raif Badawi and his jailed lawyer. They are handing over a petition signed by 250,000 people, calling for the release of the jailed activist and blogger in Saudi Arabia RT reports: Marking one year since the 31-year-old was lashed 50 times in a public square in Jeddah, protesters will also hand over a separate petition demanding the release of his lawyer, who was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for attempting to set up a human rights monitoring website. In 2014, a Saudi court imprisoned Badawi for 10 years for “insulting Islam” and setting up a liberal web forum. He was also sentenced to 1,000 lashes and ordered to pay a fine of 1 million riyals ($266,000, £133,000). Human rights organization Amnesty International, leading the protest vigil on Friday, is urging the Saudi government to release the writer, who was awarded the EU’s Sakharov prize last October. Lots of people standing with us @SaudiEmbassyUK 1yr after @raif_badawi was flogged for blogging. #FreeRaif — AmnestyUrgentActions (@AmnestyUKUrgent) January 8, 2016 The group has criticized Prime Minister David Cameron for responding inadequately, as Saudi [...]