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Queen Elizabeth Vetoes Electoral ‘Proportional Representation’ Idea

Queen Elizabeth opposed a change to the British voting system which would have allowed “proportional representation” – a type of electoral system that decides the make-up of a parliament by allocating seats on the basis of the number of votes each party received.  The Queen told Labour peer Joyce Gould, Baroness Gould of Potternewton, during a 20-minute conversation that she utterly opposed a change to the British voting system, even though the change would have made voting fairer and more representative of the British public’s needs. Breaking from protocol to discuss the incident, Joyce Gould says in her memoir that in 1997: “We discussed her views on proportional representation; I will not disclose her words but they were not supportive.” reports: By convention, the monarch and her family avoid involvement in politics, and discussions with the Queen are supposed to remain private. But in her book, Lady Gould says that, when she was appointed by Tony Blair to the Commission chaired by Roy Jenkins to devise a more proportional voting system, she discussed it with the Queen. Lady Gould’s appointment to the Commission meant that she had to resign as a government whip in the House of Lords. Lords whips are, formally, [...]