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Russia Prepares To Deploy Special Forces To U.S. And Turkey

The Kremlin have announced the possibility of using Special Forces against the U.S. and Turkey after proof emerged that both of these nations support ISIS, and that ISIS are planning to attack Russian soil.  Russia have accused Turkey of training terrorist armed fighters “Majlis of Crimean Tatars” who are preparing to launch guerrilla warfare inside the Crimea Oblast. They also say that the U.S. aided top ISIS leaders in Ramadi by evacuating them in US Army helicopters amid an Iraqi Army’s liberation offensive, with Commander Haidar al-Hosseini al-Ardavi stating: “The delay in operations to liberate the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah in Anbar province has been the result of US interference. It seems that the US intends to evacuate the ISIL terrorist group’s infamous ringleaders secretly (with helicopters) from Ramadi to unknown places.” reports: As to why the Obama regime rescued these Islamic State terrorist “ringleaders” from Ramadi, FSB intelligence analysts in this report explain, is due to their belonging to the powerful Iraqi Sunni Muslim leader Ali Hatem al-Suleiman, who during the US-Iraq war was supported by the Americans who showered him with hundreds-of-millions during what is now called “The 2007 Surge” which bought off US enemies instead of them [...]