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Russia Responds To Obama Sanctions

Having already made it clear that any sanctions would be met with retaliation, IFX reports that Russian Commissioner Foreign Ministry on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, Konstantin Dolgov exclaimed that "any anti-Russian sanctions are futile and counter-productive."

Via IFX (Google Translate)

Keyed US anti-Russian sanctions in connection with the alleged cyber attacks from Moscow are counterproductive and are intended to cause damage including the future of the process of restoring bilateral relations, said Commissioner Foreign Ministry on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, Konstantin Dolgov, via "Interfax" .


"Any anti-Russian sanctions are futile and counter-productive," he said.


"I can only reconfirm that this hysteria demonstrates the complete lack of orientation by the outgoing US administration," said the Russian diplomat


"Such unilateral steps are pursuing the aim of damage relations and complicate their recovery in the future", - he said.


As a reminder, Russia had pre-emptively warned of retaliation...

The outgoing US administration still hopes to finally have time to do something else for bad relations with Russia, and so she brought down. With clearly inspired leaks in the American media have once again trying to scare the extension of anti-Russian sanctions measures "diplomatic" and even sabotage against our computer systems. And this last "Christmas greetings" from the Obama team, already preparing for eviction from the White House cynically want to present as a reaction to certain "cyber attack from Moscow."


Frankly, we are tired of the lies about the "Russian hackers", which continues to flow into the United States from the very top. The Obama administration has launched six months ago, this misinformation in an attempt to play up the desired for himself a candidate in the November presidential election, and not achieving the desired, looking for an excuse for their own failure, and with a vengeance is played on Russian-American relations.


But the truth of the provocation orchestrated by the White House, sooner or later will still come out. Yes, it's already happening. How else to December 8 reported the US media, the State of Georgia State Secretary Brian Kemp he said that the authorities in the region followed where came hacker attack on its electronic system of vote counting shortly after the election. Footprints led to the computer at the US Department of Homeland Security. This information quickly tried to cover up the stream of new anti-Russian charges that do not contain a single proof.


It only remains to add that if Washington really takes new hostile steps, it will get the answer. This also applies to any action against Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, which immediately ricocheted on US diplomats in Russia. Perhaps the Obama administration is quite indifferent to what will happen to the bilateral relations, but the story is unlikely to forgive her behavior on the principle of "after us the deluge."

In other words, Europe is about to get screwed again.

Sanctions certainly did not hurt before...