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SNL Writer Suspended Indefinitely For Attacking Barron Trump

Something just happened, something we have not experienced for many years... someone suffered consequences for their actions. After over 120,000 Americans signed a petition to fire the Saturday Night Live writer who viciously targeted President Trump’s 10-year-old son Barron in a crude tweet designed to demonize the first family, SNL has chosen to suspend Katie Rich indefinitely.

Following this...

There has been a rightfully unrelenting backlash.

Over 120,000 people signed a petition, calling for her to be fired. Rich suspended her Twitter account following the outcry.

...Rosie O'Donnell sparked criticism after she retweeted a video suggesting that Barron Trump has a developmental disorder. “Barron Trump Autistic?”  Rosie issued a tardy apology to Melania


In 2014, Republican congressional aide, Elizabeth Lauten, resigned after her Facebook post criticizing President Obama’s daughters for their attitude and outfits during the annual White House turkey pardon.


A child’s self-esteem can be devastatingly effected long after being bullied or harassed. A child who has only been bullied even once in his or her life can suffer lifelong effects.


Kids who have been bullied are more likely to suffer: depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.


NBC needs to put their money where their mouth is and fire Katie Rich if they truly believe that there is no tolerance for bullying.  Rich has yet to apologize to Barron and the Trump family for her horrific attack on a 10-year-old boy.  A young boy who was put in the limelight because of who his father is.


#firekatierich #SNLstopthehatedumpkate


Please sign and share this petition. We as a society can change this behavior by standing up to child bullies. We can let these children know we will not tolerate bullying in any form.

Rich suspended her Twitter account following the outcry - after apologizing...

But the pressure had become too much for SNL, as The Daily Wire reports, to prevent advertisers from backing out of commercials, the show met the angry mob halfway, suspending Rich indefinitely rather than firing her.