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Teacher Disciplined After Speaking About Dangers Of Vaccines

A science teacher from Canada has come under fire after urging students to learn about the potential dangers of vaccines.  A disciplinary committee with the Ontario College of Teachers found Timothy C. Sullivan guilty of “abusing students psychologically or emotionally,” after he dared to speak out against vaccinations. Sullivan was accused of professional misconduct in March, 2015, after he shouted at a public health nurse administering vaccines at his high school, accusing her of withholding information about their dangers from his students. reports: He noted that the teenagers were required to give informed consent and the nurses, therefore, had the obligation to make sure they were fully informed. Mr. Sullivan also made the point that, “some of the components in the vaccines were deemed ‘toxic’ in his science lab.” The nurse allegedly answered that they alerted parents and teens about common vaccine risks like fever or soreness at the injection site and she claimed that “a screening tool allows nurses to assess if there are any underlying conditions that would trigger a more serious reaction among students” and added that “the risk of death from receiving a vaccine is so very, very rare.” Who Decides What Facts Can or Cannot [...]