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Teenage Girl Dies After Getting HPV Vaccine

A teenage girl from the UK has died 5 days after receiving the controversial HPV vaccine at her local high school.  Shazel Zaman, aged 13, complained of feeling ill and suffering from dizziness and headaches after receiving the HPV jab. reports: Doctors told the teenager’s family that they believed she might have a stomach bug and told them to bring her back to hospital if her condition worsened, the Manchester Evening News reported. An hour later she was found unconscious with no pulse at her home in Bury. She was declared dead in hospital around four hours later. Shazel’s family claims that a doctor dismissed that her condition was linked to the HPV vaccine jab and said she “came across as a lazy child” before sending her home. Pennine Acute NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, has now launched an investigation into the standard of care Shazel received at the hospital. Shazel’s family believe her death is linked directly to her having the vaccine. Her sister, Maham Hussain, 19, told the Manchester Evening News: “She had the injection on the Wednesday. On Friday she was complaining of a sore arm – no swelling just redness. “On the Saturday she complained of a [...]