Following yesterday's statement from a Department of Homeland Security official that "[the order] will bar green card holders", it appears The White House has shifted its view. During an interview of NBC's "Meet The Press", White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus flip-flopped that "as far as green card holders moving forward, [the order] doesn't affect them."
As The Hill reports, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on Sunday said the president's executive order barring refugees and people from seven majority-Muslim nations does not affect green card holders.
"We didn't overrule the Department of Homeland Security, as far as green card holders moving forward, it doesn't affect them," Priebus said on NBC's "Meet The Press."
But Priebus noted if a person is traveling back and forth to one of the seven countries included in that order, that person is likely to be "subjected temporarily with more questioning until a better program is put in place."
"We don't want people that are traveling back and forth to one of these seven countries that harbor terrorists to be traveling freely back and forth between the United States and those countries," he said.
When pressed further on whether the order impacts green card holders, though, Priebus appeared to reverse himself, saying, "Well, of course it does."
"If you're traveling back and forth, you're going to be subjected to further screening," he said.
Furthermore, Priebus also said more countries could be added to the list already included in the president's executive order.
"Perhaps other countries needed to be added to an executive order going forward," he said.
"But in order to do this in a way that was expeditious, in a way that would pass muster quickly, we used the 7 countries that have already been codified and identified."
As we noted yesterday, of the seven countries that are on the banned list, we note that the United States is actvely bombing five of them.