Roger Stone, a renowned American strategist and long time ally of Donald Trump is petitioning the incoming administration to ask a grand jury whether Hillary Clinton should be criminally prosecuted. No way should @HillaryClinton avoid prosecution #LockHerUp Sign our petition to the @realDonaldTrump Administration — Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) December 19, 2016 Stone said on Monday that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to exchange sensitive data between 2009 and 2013 should not go unpunished. Press TV reports: “No way should Hillary Clinton avoid prosecution #LockHerUp Sign our petition to the Donald Trump Administration,” Stone said in a tweet, while introducing, his new website. The website included a petition addressed to Trump and his nominee for attorney general Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, asking them to also probe Hillary’s husband, former president Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea. “Either we are a nation of laws or we are a ‘banana republic’ led by criminals,” the petition said. “After the Watergate scandal, the mainstream media told us repeatedly that ‘no person is above the law.’” “It is premature for the Trump administration to decide whether Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton should be prosecuted,” it continued. “In truth, the American people [...]
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