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Trump Doubles Down On Nukes: "Let It Be An Arms Race, We'll Outlast Them All"

Earlier this morning, president-elect Trump appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to discuss the following tweet he sent out yesterday calling for an expanded nuclear arsenal.


When asked by co-host Mika Brzezinski to clarify the tweet, Trump gave a response that she, nor anyone else for that matter, was expecting.

“Let it be an arms race, we will outmatch them at every pass … and outlast them all.”


Meanwhile, Trump's newly appointed Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, appeared on the Today Show to calm the nerves of an anxious Matt Lauer who asked whether Trump was planning to "reverse 40 years of policy in this country."

“[T]here’s not going to be [an arms race] because he is going to ensure that other countries get the message he is not going to sit back and allow that.”


“What’s going to happen is they will all come to their senses and we will all be just fine.”


“Other countries need to be put on notice that he is not going to sit back and allow them to undermine our safety, our sovereignty.  He is going to match other countries and take action.”


As we noted yesterday, Trump's calls to strengthen the U.S. nuclear arsenal comes just as Vladimir Putin has urged for Russia to do the same.  Here is what we said yesterday:

In a curious convergence of superpower opinions, earlier on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for the country to reinforce its military nuclear potential. In a speech that recapped military activities in 2016, Putin said the army's preparedness has "considerably increased" and called for continued improvement that would ensure it can "neutralise any military threat".


"We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defence systems," the Russian president said.


He added that Russia "must carefully monitor any changes in the balance of power and in the political-military situation in the world, especially along Russian borders, and quickly adapt plans for neutralising threats to our country."



With that, we have a sneaking suspicion that "Rocky 24: Balboa vs. Drago - The Rematch" was just approved for production.