Donald Trump said on Sunday that he believes he would have won the popular vote in a landslide victory if millions of illegal aliens had not been allowed to vote this election. In response to the Hillary Clinton push for an election recount, Trump tweeted: In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2016 It is widely accepted that over three million illegal voters were allowed to take part in the elections this year in an attempt to rig the outcome in Hillary’s favor. reports: The #NotMyPresident movement keeps pushing the “Hillary won the popular vote” line, but it’s meaningless; if the president was selected by popular vote, then both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would have campaigned in completely different states than they did. In short, Hillary saying she won the popular vote is like saying she won a footrace by driving a Dodge Demon. There’s a legitimate reason for having an Electoral College: if the president was selected by popular vote, then only densely population regions of the U.S. would decide who would become [...]
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