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Trump Is Slow Playing His Cards In This Game Of Deep State Poker

Content originally published on 8/19/17 at

It's time for a pep talk.

I know that morale amongst my fellow Deplorables is at an all-time low, right alongside President Trump's approval ratings in the rigged polls.

We've witnessed a week in which the mainstream media has gone into a full-court press of hysteria over Charlottesville; Nolan Richardson would be impressed by the Deep State's Forty Minutes of Hell.

We've seen the President's Council on Manufacturing fold tent amidst much hypocritical corporate virtue-signaling.

We've seen Steve Bannon, the driving force behind Trump's populist uprising, resign his position in the White House.

Between these events, the constant leaks, and the revolving door in the Administration, I don't blame you one bit for feeling discouraged. If you took everything at face value, you'd think President Trump was perhaps the most incompetent man to ever hold the office.

But what if I were to tell you that the Donald is, in actuality, the most capable man to lead this country since at least Eisenhower?

What if I were to tell you that the left is in its death throes?

What if I were to tell you that I believe we are on the verge of witnessing the unfurling of the greatest sting operation in the history of our country?

To understand, first we need to ask the following questions:

  • Why is the left going absolutely insane about one unfortunate woman in Charlottesville?
  • Why is Nancy Pelosi pushing to formally censure the president for his simple, commonsensical, and decidedly uncontroversial rebuke of all the bad actors involved?
  • Why is the media pushing this story 24/7 while Russia got dropped like a hot potato?
  • Why are the MSM and most of the Democratic Party egging on Antifa?
  • Why did a Missouri State Senator openly state on Facebook that she wishes for an assassination of Trump?
  • Why are web hosting services kicking alt-right websites off their servers? Why are conservatives on Patreon and YouTube getting both demonized and demonitized? Why is the First Amendment about to be burned under the fiery breath of the leftist dragon because of one idiot in a muscle car?

But the even more important question is:

Why now?

Because the Deep State are scared absolutely senseless and they are firing out the last chambers of their political revolver in panic.

They know what awaits them in the future. They need to bring about 1984 soon or lose power forevermore.

Or worse. They fear the awakening populace.

They are attempting to rile up the useful idiots of both ideological extremes with paranoia and disinformation in one massive play of identity politics to help undermine the duly-elected leader of the United States - the man who kept them from a total victory.

And that leader has all the dirt on them now.

The Swamp knows it too:

  • They know Imran Awan is the loose thread that unravels everything and he may have already turned state's evidence to the Trump DOJ.
  • They know what was in that report that Devin Nunes gave to Trump.
  • They know Hillary Clinton may be indicted soon, with all the corruption of the Foundation implicating half the Deep State.
  • They know Julian Assange didn't meet with Dana Rohrabacher to discuss Vegemite recipes.
  • They know why Donald Trump has surrounded himself with military generals.
  • They know Bannon is more useful at Breitbart being the scourge of globalists now that he's purged the bad seeds in the intel agencies.
  • They know Antifa is now under surveillance and will likely soon be declared a domestic terrorist organization.

But they have learned it too late.

For President Trump and Steve Bannon play a mean game of Sun Tzu.

The saying from the great Chinese military strategist that is most apropos to Trump today is this: "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."

So, fellow Deplorables, knowing what you now know, what is the more likely in this ultimate game of high-stakes poker?

That Donald Trump is the most incompetent man ever elected?

Or that a devotee of General Patton and Sun Tzu, surrounded by a phalanx of military generals, has limped in to the hand while holding better cards than his opponents?

He has checked through the flop and the turn but has still called every bet.

Today, we watch at the rails.

We will see the river turned over next.

Trump will soon call all-in holding a royal straight flush.

The Deep State is drawing dead and has only one out left: conjuring the necessary card by cheating with a false flag.

Watch the dealer closely in the coming weeks.