From the layman, those still inside of the matrix -- bluepilled -- fat and stupid off government sponsored roasted beef, the recent comments by Trump might appear to be coarse, almost petty. But if you take these comments under the context that Trump is in fact a 4 dimensional chess player and is laying a trap for bird brained Hillary supporters -- which will soon be executed -- laying waste to a cadre of people too stupid to see it coming, they are in fact brilliant. This evening Trump went on a twitter rampage, fucking with Jeff Zeleny, shill reporter from CNN, about his special AC360 report depicting Trump as a sore winner -- merely shitposting on Twitter to distract people from the true source of angst: TRUMP LOST THE MEANINGLESS POPULAR VOTE (gasp!). What's noteworthy here is the rhetoric by Trump towards the former #CrookedHillary, seemingly graduating her crime status to #CorruptHillary -- making her title more conducive to a legal framework -- perhaps laying the groundwork for a jail granting prosecution. His comments regarding democrat voter fraud are purposeful and I wouldn't be surprised if Trump appointed someone to audit the election results once he took office. I seriously doubt this is an unpaved road the haggard democrats want to travel now -- especially when all they have to ride on are Tim Kaine tricycles.
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