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US Congress To Build Real ‘Ministry Of Truth’

New legislation is being introduced in the US House of Representatives which, if passed, will create a real life “Ministry of Truth” as depicted in George Orwell’s 1984 novel.  The H.R. 5181 bill aims to create a department responsible for creating U.S. propaganda in order to counter efforts by Russia and China’s spread of disinformation. H.R. 5181, or the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016, is sponsored by Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) who co-authored the bill with Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA). The Big Brother-style legislation would set up a Center for Information Analysis and Response who would be tasked with analyzing “foreign government information-warfare efforts”. reports: The center would also develop and disseminate “fact-based narratives and analysis to counter propaganda and disinformation directed at United States allies and partners”. The bill, upon formal submission, would become one of at least two circulated in Congress in recent years seeking to change some US international-media operations. In April, the bill, called the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016, S.2692, sponsored by Republican Senator Rob Portman and Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, was introduced in the US Senate. The Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016, according to US lawmakers, seeks to promote an “independent press” in countries that are seen by Americans [...]