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US Court Ruling: Former Bush Administration Can Be Sued For War Crimes

A court of appeals in America has finally ruled that members of the Bush administration can be held accountable for war crimes committed in the name of the so called  ‘war on terror.’ True Activist reports: Years ago, the case of Turkmen Vs. Ashcroft set the precedent that the Bush administration could be held accountable for the actions that it took to harm innocent people during the war on terror. However, the case has been in limbo for several years as constant appeals have been filed against the ruling. Recently, The Second Circuit Court of Appeals finally rejected the appeal and ruled that people can, in fact, sue members of the government for enacting policies that result in trauma or injury. It is likely that this ruling sets a precedent for all members of the government and not just the Bush administration. The Turkmen Vs. Ashcroft case involved a number of immigrants who were rounded up and tortured after the 9/11 attacks and were later found to be completely innocent. Muslim prisoners were fed pork intentionally by the guards who would abuse and insult them on a regular basis, leaving them in deplorable conditions, in total isolation with the lights [...]