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US Universities To Offer ‘Safe Spaces’ To Tackle Masculinity

Universities across the United States have vowed to tackle the problem of “masculinity” by offering students safe spaces that will “redefine manhood.”  Oregon State University have urged students, female and male alike, to attend an anti-masculinity conference in which professors will teach students how to rid “toxic masculinity” from their lives. reports: An advertisement for the conference lists several other intended “learning outcomes,” such as examining “the histories and legacies of Eurocentric masculinities and [understanding] how they influenced and continue to shape modern global masculinities.” “Join us in a collective examination of the histories and legacies that shape present day masculinities. Through a day of presentations, panels, workshops, and artistic expression, learn how to engage systems of power,” the advertisement states, noting that students will be allowed to attend free of charge. Similarly, Ithaca College will host a workshop on “masculinity and violence” during its MLK Week celebrations, where students will “examine hegemonic masculinity and its role as the wheel that rotates a cycle of violence” while empowering “willing individuals to begin to recognize, acknowledge, own, and disrupt the toxicity of manhood in order to end violence.” Duke University’s “Men’s Project,” meanwhile, is looking for applicants for a “nine-week long [...]

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