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White House Infiltrated With ISIS Militants, Says Military Insider

Powerful military commanders and White House insiders have accused President Barack Obama of allowing ISIS agents to infiltrate the White House and influence American foreign policy in the Middle East.  An investigation by Homeland Security and the CIA has revealed that five White House staffers hired by Obama speak directly to ISIS militants and inform them of key military Middle East strategies. According to insiders, Obama is part of a foreign cabal who’s goal is to harm America. “This is the worst security breach in the history of the United States,” a White House insider said. “Bloodthirsty ISIS knows Obama’s every move.” reports: Meanwhile, another Washington insider charged members of the president’s Cabinet also have ties to Islamic terrorists! Incredibly, the insider said Obama KNOWS about it — but “has done nothing to stop it and keeps these traitors on the payroll.” In early November, following an exhaustive six-month probe, government counter-intelligence experts met alone with Obama in the Oval Office “for just over an hour and laid out their evidence to him,” a stunned insider revealed. “Their damning proof included copies of emails, computer and phone records, photographs and, in at least one case, video obtained during covert [...]