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Wikileaks: Turkey Has “Sinister Relations” With ISIS

Wikileaks has released tens of thousands of emails on Monday confirming that Turkey have “sinister relations” with ISIS and regularly conduct business with the terrorist regime.  The trove of 58,000 Wikileaks emails show that Turkish President Recept Tayyip Erdogan’s son-in-law, Berat Albayrak, worked with ISIS militants to import oil from ISIS-held territories into Turkey. reports: According to a report covered by Khabar Onlinein Farsi, Albayrak’s emails seem to confirm the not-so-recent accusations, since the energy minister is appealing to be the “unofficial” owner of the oil company Powertrance which is importing oil from the ISIS-held territories in Northern Iraq to Turkey. In late September 2015, a Turkish Marxist hacking organization, Red Hack, claimed that it has access to almost 20 gigabyte of data from Albayrak’s personal email accounts. Information and articles regarding the email’s content began to go online; however, the Turkish justice system decided against the publication and reproduction of the emails, thus implying their authenticity. The newest accusations that the Turkish government – and, specifically, members of Erdogan’s family – has an active role in the oil smuggling from areas that are controlled by the ISIS, were between the most important subjects that were temporarily released. The leaking [...]

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