A canyon system potentially bigger than the Grand Canyon in the U.S. could be hiding beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, measuring 1,000km long and as much as 1km deep. Researchers from Durham University and Imperial College London – along with American, Australian, Indian, and Chinese scientists studying satellite data, think that a massive canyon system could be hidden underneath a largely unexplored region of the Antarctic, called Princess Elizabeth Land. The study is being verified by a geological survey, which is now under way. Tech Times reports: The new discovery published in the journal Geology, however, still needs to be confirmed through direct measurements. DurhamUniversity YouTube video: Natural Gem Under Icy Wilderness The canyon system is speculated to be buried underneath Princess Elizabeth Land (PEL) in East Antarctica, one of the last unexplored land surfaces on Earth. It is composed of a combination of linear and winding features under kilometers of ice. The massive features appear to span from PEL’s interior to the coast surrounding the Vestfold Hills and the West Ice Shelf. This part of the Antarctic – which is officially an Australian territory, but shelters Russian base Vostok Station – has been barely measured for ice thickness, prompting scientists to call it as [...]