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France Awards Top Honor For Fight Against Terrorism To Saudi Royal

Just two months ago France was among the most vocal in condemning Saudi Arabia’s New Year mass executions But on Friday the French president Francois Hollande ‘discreetly’ awarded the country’s most prestigious award, the Legion d’Honneur, to the heir to the Saudi throne, Prince Mohammed bin Naif. Zero Hedge Reports: We’ve been over and over the glaring absurdity inherent in the fact that the US and its partners consider the kingdom to be an “ally” in the fight against terrorism and you can read more in the article linked above, but the problem is quite simply this: the Saudis promote and export an ultra orthodox, ultra puritanical brand of Sunni Islam that is virtually indistinguishable from that espoused by ISIS, al-Qaeda, and many of the other militant groups the world generally identifies with “terrorism.” Wahhabism – championed by the Saudis – is poisonous, backward, and fuels sectarian strife as well as international terrorism. That’s not our opinion. It’s a fact. But hey, Riyadh has all of the oil, so no harm, no foul right? Even as the very same ideals exported by Riyadh inspire the ISIS jihad, the kingdom is so sure it has the political world in its pocket [...]