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Donald Trump’s New Video: Hillary Barks Like A Dog…Literally

Donald Trump has released a new campaign video via his Instagram account. As reported by Think Progress, the video attacks presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Rather than attacking policy, her record of service, or anything remotely political – the video shows her barking like a dog: The video, posted on Trump’s Instagram, begins with a martial drumbeat and a video of Vladimir Putin wrestling. It cuts to a jihadi, and then to a clip of Hillary Clinton barking. It follows that with a clip of Putin chuckling. “We don’t need to be a punchline!” it concludes. Is this what we want for a President? A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Mar 16, 2016 at 9:15am PDT The ad may seem like a joke, but it also plays on the barrage of sexist commentary focusing on Clinton’s voice. Just last night, during Clinton’s victory speech, male pundits responded by tweeting that she was “shouting angrily” and just needed to “smile.” Hillary having a big night in the primaries. So she’s shouting angrily in her victory speech. Supporters loving it. What’s she mad at? — Brit Hume (@brithume) March 16, 2016 That wasn’t the first [...]