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Doctors Say Bill Gates Polio Vaccine Has Created Deadly ‘Super Polio’

A mutated strain of Polio has made its way to Europe – as medical authorities admit that the Polio vaccine program led by Bill Gates had ended up creating a more deadly strain of the disease.  In 2011 Doctors in India reported that young children were being crippled in huge numbers after receiving the oral polio vaccine –  with 47,000 children crippled and permanently disabled as a direct result of the vaccine. reports: According to the Washington Post, polio has returned to Europe for the first time in five years – but now in a mutated form that even the mainstream media admits was caused by the vaccine itself. The Washington Post reports: Polio virus has returned to Europe after a five year reprieve, paralyzing a 4-year-old and 11-year-old in the Ukraine, the World Health Organization said Wednesday. The strain responsible, vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 or cVDPV… is a rare, mutated form of the virus that comes from the vaccine itself. Oral polio vaccines contain a weakened form of the virus that activates an immune response in the body so that it builds up antibodies to protect itself. But it takes some time for this to happen, and meanwhile the virus replicates in the intestines and can be [...]