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Bless Her Heart!


Hell hath no fury like an angry Southern mom.

Taking away electronics is a common parental punishment, but this mother decided to take it one step further – and shoot up her children’s iPhones with a rifle.

‘I hereby denounce the effects that social media have on my children,’ the mom shouts at the beginning of the video, a gun in her hand. ‘Their disobedience and their disrespect.’

She then points the gun and the camera moves to reveal that she’s not about to shoot a pheasant or a bottle, but is aiming straight for an iPhone perched on a tree trunk.


‘My children’s lives are more important to me,’ she begins, as the camera reveals she is standing over the trunk with a sledgehammer, ‘than any electronic on this earth.’

‘Good for you,’ one of the children interrupts. ‘We still don’t give two f***s’.

‘I refuse to have them influenced in negative ways,’ the mother continues.

‘Contacting people they don’t know, being involved in drama they don’t need to be in, and being in trouble at school for having phones out.’

She then hammers the remaining pieces a few times, her dog watching, before screaming: ‘I’m done!’

Read the whole glorious thing! I’m short-listing this heroine for a Nobel.