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US Supreme Court Expands FBI Hacking Powers To Entire World

The US Supreme Court has given permission to the FBI to legally search computers belonging to members of the public worldwide, expanding the agencies hacking powers at home and abroad.  The rule change means that the US Department of Justice (DoJ) can obtain search warrants from a judge for computers located anywhere in the world, where previously a judge would have been limited to operate only within the jurisdiction of their court. BBC News reports: A remote search typically involves trying to access a suspect’s computer over the internet to explore the data contained on it. It has pushed for a change in the rules since 2013, arguing that criminals can mask their location and identity online making it difficult to determine which jurisdiction a computer is located in. ‘Only mechanism available’ “Criminals now have ready access to sophisticated anonymising technologies to conceal their identity while they engage in crime over the internet,” said DoJ spokesman Peter Carr. “The use of remote searches is often the only mechanism available to law enforcement to identify and apprehend them. “The amendment makes explicit that it does not change the traditional rules governing probable cause and notice.” It said the change would not give law enforcement [...]