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Scientists Propose Project To Create Synthetic Human Genome

Scientists have proposed a long-term project that involves creating a synthetic human genome or genetic blueprint for creating human beings. A group of 25 scientists proposed their ambitious project on Thursday… an endeavor that is bound to raise concerns over the extent to which human life can or should be engineered. The project aims to build a synthetic genome and test it in cells in the laboratory within 10 years. The project, which arose from a secret, invitation only meeting last month at Harvard University was unveiled in the journal Science. A synthetic human genome could potentially make it possible to create humans without biological parents – however, the scientists have said that was not their aim. The Seattle Times reports: The researchers said they have no intention of using these genomes — huge collections of genetic material — to make people. Instead, they said in interviews, human genomes would be used in lab experiments, inserted for example into cells or simplified versions of organs called organoids. That might help scientists identify the effects of genetic mutations, or create safer stem cells for transplantation, said the researchers, George Church of Harvard University and Jef Boeke of New York University. They are [...]