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Maine Governor Calls Blacks And Hispanics The Enemy

Maine governor Paul LePage thinks that people of color are the enemy of his state and seems to suggest that they should be shot. The Republican governor of Maine has been criticized for his remarks. Talking about Maine’s drug problem, governor Paul LePage said that “the enemy right now… are people of color or people of Hispanic origin“. Statistics show otherwise. White people commit 5 out of every 6 drug related offences, involving its sale or manufacture in Maine. “You shoot at the enemy. You try to identify the enemy and the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority of people coming in, are people of color or people of Hispanic origin.“ The BBC reports: “When you go to war… and the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, then you shoot at red,” he said. Leading Democrats have urged him to resign. Mr LePage made the comments while seeking to clarify remarks he made earlier in the week which were criticised as racist. The press conference capped a controversial 72 hours for the Republican governor. WEDNESDAY Mr LePage was asked about a statement he made in January, in which he blamed the state’s heroin problem on “guys by the name D-Money, [...]