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DHS Snatches Girl From Mother, Places Child With Pedophile

A rogue DHS worker has snatched a young girl from her mother and awarded custody to a known pedophile, under the guise of ‘protecting her’.  Christi MacLaren says that her 6-year-old daughter’s life is in danger after her estranged husband, a known child abuser, has been allowed to take custody of their child. reports: Lenzo has allegedly sexually abused his daughter which is what started this nightmare. Lenzo won custody of the young girl on May 19, 2016 after DHS caseworker Cori McGovern claimed that Christi had coached her daughter to say things that were not true about Lenzo. Despite reports from medical experts who claimed the daughter should not be around Lenzo – even with supervision, DHS Caseworker Cori McGovern’s unsupported conclusion created a nightmare for Christi MacLaren and her family. Apparently certified experts, doctors, etc., are no match for a seemingly rogue DHS employee. DHS Caseworker Cori McGovern has no professional capacity to diagnose or make claims of certainty involving abuse without relying upon professionals. Cori has previously been successfully sued for placing a young girl in the hands of child molesters. According to one Attorney who represented one of the victims of Cori McGovern, “DHS settled his client’s case [...]

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