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European Union Chief Threatens Trump With “Prison Time”

One of the most senior European Union bosses has threatened US President Donald Trump with prison time over his controversial executive order the bans many Muslims from entering the United States for 90 days.  Federica Mogherini issued a direct threat to Trump, saying that if he continues with his Nazi-like immigration policy, he may end up in prison. reports: She described the decision to aid Syrians and help construct schools at refugee camps in Lebanon as an “investment” in both their lives and the EU’s own security. “Every single day a Syrian child is out of school exposes them to a future which is not a future of commitment and engagement,” Ms Mogherini. In a clear message to President Trump, who has made little secret of his disdain for the EU, Ms Mogherini warned against those who wish to build walls rather than bridges. She said: “In Europe we have a history that has told that every time one invests in divisions and walls you might end up being in a prison if you build all walls around you. “We have a history and a tradition that we celebrate when walls are brought down and bridges are built.” Ms Mogherini vowed the EU would continue to work [...]

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