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3D-Printed Suicide-Machines Will Usher In a Silent Genocide

A new controversial 3d-printed killing machine called ‘Sarco’ has been released by Exit International, an organization that advocates “every adult of sound mind has the right to implement plans for the end of their life so that their death is reliable, peaceful and at a time of their choosing.”

The high-tech ‘suicide machine’ is a capsule and comes with a detachable coffin, which the organization claims the process of suicide is streamlined.

The new device was recently released at The Exit NuTech Conference in Canada called “New Technologies for a Peaceful DIY Death” in October.

Access to the Sarco capsule is as easy as filling out an online questionnaire, which will provide a four digit access code.

The machine will allow anyone who has the access code to “peacefully and reliably end their life by simply pressing a button”, said Exit International.

Once the access code is entered and the subject is in the device; the capsule will lock and release liquid nitrogen to drop the oxygen level, as one will experience an euphoric and peaceful death with-in minutes.  The capsule will then detach from the Sarco machine and be used as a coffin. The base can be re-used and continue a quiet genocide that is extremely cost effective.

Developed in the Netherlands by Exit Director Dr Philip Nitschke and Engineer Alexander Bannink, the machine can be 3d-printed and assembled in any location in the world. There is a cause for concern since the machines are printed, of which the technology could fall into the wrong hands. To make matters worse, “design criteria for the Sarco will be free, made open-source, and placed on the internet”, said Exit International.

Sarco inventor Philip Nitschke said the development takes the world one step closer to the goal where any rational person can electively end their life in a peaceful and reliable way at the time of their choosing. He further said the machine does not use any restricted drugs or complicated inputs; all that is required is liquid nitrogen gas.

Nitschke adds the development of Sarco was in response to the growing demand by the aging population for a better method of assisted-suicide.

As we noted through Visual Capitalist’s Jeff Desjardin report, the global population that is 65 or older will double from 10% to 20% by 2050, signaling that a boom in the assisted-suicide industry could be right around the corner.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist