Commerce Department Releases Consumer Spending Data Early - Worst YoY Growth Since May 2013

Commerce Department Releases Consumer Spending Data Early - Worst YoY Growth Since May 2013

In yet another government SNAFU, the US commerce department has released spending data prematurely. Instead of tomorrow morning, its website released the data at 1923ET.. and it is not good. Despite a 0.3% rise in November, thanks to downward revisions, the YoY growth in Spending was just 2.9%. May 2013 was the last time YoY growth was weaker than this and corresponds with spending weakness seen in each of the last 3 recessions.


Police Whisper Into Protesters’ Ear: “Keep On Protesting”

Former New York Times reporter Chris Hedges has previously noted that oppressive regimes fall when their soldiers stop obeying orders and start following the will of the people.

Hedges gave an example from the U.S.  In 2010, Hedges, Daniel Ellsberg and 131 veterans were arrested for holding an anti-war protest in front of the White House.

Everyone was arrested, their wrists tied with plastic restraints, and hauled off to jail.  So – on the surface – it looked like the police unquestioningly cracked down on the protest.
