Scientists Say Sugar In Western Diets Cause Cancer

A new study conducted by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center says that high amounts of sugar found in a typical Western diet increases the risk of breast cancer and metastasis to the lungs.  The findings were published by Cancer Research and reveals just how dangerous sugar is to human health. “A lot of patients are told it doesn’t matter what you eat after you are diagnosed with cancer. This preliminary animal research suggests that it does matter,” said Lorenzo Cohen of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

7th Graders To Be Given Mandatory HPV Vaccine, Despite Dangers

7th graders in Rhode Island are to be forced to take a Gardasil HPV vaccine as part of strict rules about attending school.  As reported by the Providence Journal, Starting this fall, seventh-graders in all public and private schools will be required to get a vaccine that protects against a sexually transmitted virus linked to various genital cancers, especially cervical cancer in women. Students who fail to get the vaccine for HPV — or the human papillomavirus — will be precluded from attending school unless their parents seek an exemption for medical or religious reasons.

The Incredible Shrinking Benefits Of Massive Japanese Money Printing

Excerpted from JPMorgan CIO Michael Cembalest 2016 Outlook,

Something is wrong with this picture.  In the US and Japan, corporate profits sank during the global financial crisis.  In the US, the profit recovery was accompanied by a recovery in household income.  In Japan, however, corporate profits and household income moved in opposite directions, as dynamics that helped profits recover did not help consumers.  
