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Inside The US Government's Plan To Survive Nuclear War (While The Rest Of Us Die)

Inside The US Government's Plan To Survive Nuclear War (While The Rest Of Us Die)

Authored by Sadie Dingfelder, originally posted at The Washington Post,

In 2011, a staffer at Washingtonian found a government ID in a Metro parking garage and gave it to Garrett M. Graff (the magazine’s editor-in-chief at the time) to track down its owner. “Since I reported about that world, he figured I’d know what to do with it,” Graff says.

Graff immediately noticed something strange.

Venezuela Prepares To Liquidate Its Remaining Gold Holdings To Pay Coming Debt Maturities

Last Thursday when we recounted the story of how Venezuela is now literally flying in paper money (using three dozen cargo Boeing 747s), we wrote that "Venezuela's hyperinflation, already tentatively estimated at 720%, will likely add on a few (hundred) zeroes by this time next year. It is also quite likely that Venezuela the country, as we know it now, will no longer exist because once any nation is swept up in hyperinflationary rapids two things occur like clockwork: social uprisings and political coups.

Hyperinflating Venezuela Used 36 Boeing 747 Cargo Planes To Deliver Its Worthless Bank Notes

Hyperinflating Venezuela Used 36 Boeing 747 Cargo Planes To Deliver Its Worthless Bank Notes

The weeks ago, when we showed "What The Death Of A Nation Looks Like: Venezuela Prepares For 720% Hyperinflation", we said that after looking at a chart of Venezuela's upcoming hyperinflation...


...  a hyperinflation in which the soaring stock market has failed to keep pace with the collapsing currency, thereby mocking all erroneous thought experiments that under hyperinflation being long the stock market is a sure hedge to currency destruction...