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Liberal/Left Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz Blows Away CNN Liars

Liberal/Left Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz Blows Away CNN Liars

Dershowitz pointed out to CNN presstitutes that Trump has not obstructed justice. This caught the scheming presstitutes by surprise as they expected leftwing Dershowitz to excoriate Trump.
Unable to stand the shredding Dershowitz was giving them, the presstitutes cut him off the program.

Poll Shows Americans' Massive Disapproval Of Both Parties: "Now It's Just An Oligarchy"

Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The «Monthly Harvard-Harris Poll: June 2017» is the latest poll in that series, and it scientifically sampled 2,258 U.S. registered voters, of whom (as shown on page 30) 35% were «Democrat», 29% were «Republican», and 30% were «independent»).

It indicates (page 24) that 37% «approve» and 63% «disapprove» of «the way the Republican Party is handling its job».


Harvard Endowment Liquidating $2.5 BIllion In Assets

Back in January, Harvard's Endowment stunned the investing world when it announced that the investing vehicle which manages $36 billion in assets, would undergo a "radical overhaul" in the way the world’s wealthiest school invests its money by outsourcing management of most of its assets and lay off roughly half the staff in the process. As the WSJ reported at the time, about half of the 230 employees at Harvard Management Company would depart as part of a sweeping change by the university’s new endowment chief, N.P. “Narv” Narvekar.
