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Why Reshore Manufacturing? It's The Only Way To Avoid Defective Pirated Parts

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Reshoring the entire supply chain so it can be trusted is the low-cost solution once you add up the total lifecycle cost of a hopelessly counterfeit global supply chain.

There are two basic arguments against bringing manufacturing that was transferred overseas (offshored) back to America (reshoring):

1. It's too costly

2. The supply chain is now in China/Asia and it's not possible to source the parts needed to bring manufacturing back to America.

Five Years After Fukushima, 16 U.S. Cleanup Ships Are Still Contaminated With Radiation

Five Years After Fukushima, 16 U.S. Cleanup Ships Are Still Contaminated With Radiation

The Fukushima disaster was over five years ago, and may have been largely forgotten by the general public and the media (perhaps because the Japanese olympics are just four years from now), but its effects still linger. Perhaps nowhere more so than for those who took pare in the Fukushima clean up effort: as Starts and Stripes reports, sixteen U.S. ships that participated in relief efforts after Japan’s nuclear disaster five years ago remain contaminated with low levels of radiation from the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant.