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RIP, Monty Hall: The Time Everyone "Corrected" The World's Smartest Woman

RIP, Monty Hall: The Time Everyone "Corrected" The World's Smartest Woman

Monty Hall, the genial host and co-creator of “Let’s Make a Deal,” the game show on which contestants in outlandish costumes shriek and leap at the chance to see if they will win the big prize or the booby prize behind door No. 3, died at his home in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Saturday. He was 96.

In memory of the great entertainer, we present:

The Time Everyone “Corrected” the World’s Smartest Woman

Stunning New Software Fakes Video Of Former US President Barack Obama

Stunning New Software Fakes Video Of Former US President Barack Obama

What will we do when the video clips we rely on for news are routinely and effortlessly faked – when it becomes nearly impossible to differentiate genuine statements from malicious imitations without a thorough investigation? Will you continue to believe every word uttered by US media organizations like CNN?   Or will you slowly learn to question every piece of information you receive?   

Gary Cohn As Next Fed Chairman?

From Gary Evans of Global Macro Monitor

Politico out with a piece tonight citing souces that National Economic Council Director and Goldman alum, Gary Cohn, is the leading contender to replace Janet Yellen next January. Interesting timing as it comes on the eve of Janet Yellen’s two-day semi-annual testimony before Congress.

We have heard rumors, but our priors were that Trump would pick a more rules-based chairmain, such as John Taylor of Stanford. Kind of surprising, but most presidents prefer easy money policies.

Observations From The Heart Of Silicon Valley

Observations From The Heart Of Silicon Valley

Submitted by Adam Taggart via,

Yesterday I made the 2-hour drive back to Silicon Valley, where I lived for 15 years before moving out to the country.

I rarely go back, as I miss very little about the hyper-elite scene there. When I do, though, I feel I have a useful 'insider-now-outsider' perspective that allows me to see things there more accurately than those who live in that fishbowl 24/7.

It's Still Fantasy-Land
