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More Arrests Of Libertarian Mises Activists By Cuban Police

Authored by Zach Foster via The Mises Institute,

Seven Cuban libertarians and activists with the Mises-Mambi Institute of Cuba were arrested on Friday morning.

Among those arrested were president Caridad Ramirez, national spokesman Nelson Rodriguez Chartrand, and Alexis Muñoz Jimenez , the Mises-Mambi regional president for Camaguey province.  The motivation of the mass arrest seems to be to prevent the Cuban libertarians from attending the trial of imprisoned Mises activists Ubaldo Herrera and Manuel Velazquez.

Elites Plot to Replace Austrian Free-Market Economics?

Via The Daily Bell

Elites Plot to Replace Austrian Free-Market Economics?

Don’t Entrust Economics to the Experts … Why has so much of the world succumbed to populist demagoguery and xenophobic nationalism? To a non-trivial extent, economists may be responsible.  This idea finds some support in a new book, “The Econocracy,” written by three U.K. economics students — Joe Earle, Cahal Moran and Zach Ward-Perkins. – Bloomberg