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US intelligence

Trump Reverses, Sides With Intel Agencies Over Russia Election Meddling; Offers To Mediate South China Sea Dispute

One day after Trump caused the latest round of broad media outrage when he reportedly sided with Putin over Russia's alleged "election interference", while slamming US intel agencies, and repeating his allegation that the investigation is a ‘hoax’, and the FBI a “bunch of hacks,” Trump reversed himself and "cleared up confusion" over whether he accepts Russian President Vladimir Putin’s denials of meddling in the U.S. election last year.

Russian Government Considers Offering Snowden As "Gift" To President Trump, NBC Reports

Echoing a now eerily prophetic comment by Edward Snowden in December that "there could be some kind of deal - give this guy to me as a present," NBC News reports, citing US intelligence official sources, that Russia is considering turning over Edward Snowden as a "gift" to President Donald Trump - who has called the NSA leaker a "spy" and a "traitor" who deserves to be executed.

US Intel Told Trump Russia Had Compromising Personal And Financial Information About Him

In a report that will likely set much of the liberal media on fire in the coming days, CNN reports, citing "multiple US officials", that top intelligence officials last week briefed President-elect Donald Trump about Russian operatives' claims that they have compromised Trump's personal and financial information.

Russian Responds To US Intel Report It Helped Trump Defeat Hillary

The US intelligence community has released the unclassified findings of its investigation into what it says was Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and Russia's apparently takes a significant chunk of the blame, "by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences." Or does it?

RT responds to these 'charges' below with some 'facts'...
