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Trump Named As "Risk Factor" In Company Filings 3x More Than Obama

Trump Named As "Risk Factor" In Company Filings 3x More Than Obama

According to the research firm Sentieo, which spent hours and hours of time scouring the "Risk Factor" sections of 10-Ks and 10-Qs, Trump has been about 3x more likely to be cited by a publicly traded company in the U.S. as a "Risk Factor" in his first 100 days in office than was Obama.  Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal, here are a couple of histograms that highlight the comparison:


Corporate America Setting Up "War Rooms" To Prep For Potential Trump Tweets

Since November 8th, several public companies have unsuspectingly fallen into the cross hairs of Trump tweets sending their stocks gyrating violently while adding or erasing millions of dollars worth of market cap in a matter of seconds.  Here is just a small sample:

GM Lied To The Public And To Trump About Where Chevrolet Cruze Sedans Sold In The USA Are Assembled

GM Lied To The Public And To Trump About Where Chevrolet Cruze Sedans Sold In The USA Are Assembled

Submitted via Duane of Free Market Shooter

On Tuesday, president-elect Trump tweeted about General Motors, stating the GM was building its Chevrolet Cruze in Mexico, importing them to the US tax-free, and selling them at US car dealers:

