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White Supremacist Leader Mike Enoch Staging Deep State Operation in Tennessee?

White Supremacist Leader Mike Enoch Staging Deep State Operation in Tennessee?

originally published by Alt-right Exposed

Deep State Linked Neo-Nazi Groups Descend on Small Towns to “Vent Anger”

[Mike “Enoch” Peinovich]

The “White Lives Matter”events will be attended by a group of literal Neo-Nazi groups, including the National Socialist Movement (NSM), and Anticom, who’s members have discussed bombing federal buildings and massacring protesters.

"Incompetent, Clueless" Corker Slams "Utterly Untruthful President" Trump Ahead Of Party-Unity Meeting

"Incompetent, Clueless" Corker Slams "Utterly Untruthful President" Trump Ahead Of Party-Unity Meeting

Update (10:30 am ET): With just hours to go before Trump's lunchtime meeting with Congressional Republicans, the president is heaping still more twitter scorn on one of his biggest perceived foes, Tennessee Senator and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker.

This time, he's focusing on Corker's foreign-policy work. The president previously criticized Corker for helping create the Iran deal.

The Return Of Eugenics? Tennessee Judge Issues Sterilization Program For Inmates

The Return Of Eugenics? Tennessee Judge Issues Sterilization Program For Inmates

A Tennessee judge is gaining national media attention for his unique incentive offered to inmates upon sentencing: convicts can undergo a free taxpayer funded sterilization procedure and get a 30 day reduction in jail time. Dozens have already taken advantage of the program since Judge Sam Benningfield of White County signed a standing order in May which offers vasectomies for men and a less permanent birth control implant, called Nexplanon, for women.
