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Despite Majority Of Americans In Favor Of Trump Immigration Policy, 900 State Department Staff Dissent

Despite Majority Of Americans In Favor Of Trump Immigration Policy, 900 State Department Staff Dissent

Just yesterday we noted that, according to a Rasmussen poll, while the vocal, and often violent, disaffected Hillary protesters may get a lot of media attention, the silent majority of Americans, men and women who don't have time to protest 24 hours a day because they actually go to work to provide for their families, support Trump's temporary immigration ban from 7 mostly-Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.

What's Behind The Collapse In Global Exports?

What's Behind The Collapse In Global Exports?

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

Global export of goods (priced in US dollars) has collapsed in Japan, the EU, and emerging markets, since their recovery highs following the great recession.

The US is the best of the lot, but US exports of goods are down substantially as well.

What’s behind the move? Is it protectionism? Currency related? Take a guess before reading further. The answer is coming up.

What Trump's Wall Says To The World

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,” wrote poet Robert Frost in the opening line of “Mending Walls.”

And on the American left there is something like revulsion at the idea of the “beautiful wall” President Trump intends to build along the 1,900-mile border between the U.S. and Mexico.

The opposition’s arguments are usually rooted in economics or practicality. The wall is unnecessary. It will not stop people from coming illegally. It costs too much.
