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Turkey Continues Aggressive Military Expansion Into Middle East

The Turkish Minister of Defence İsmet Yılmaz  has announced plans to continue Turkey’s aggressive military expansion in the Middle East, saying that a new multipurpose military base in Qatar will be opened within the next two years.  “This base will allow Turkey to participate in combat operations in the Red Sea, the North of Africa, and the Persian Gulf,” Yılmaz said.

Five Deadly Terror Attacks Which Failed To Grab Media Attention

The terror attacks in Paris and Brussels have rightly caused huge outrage across the world, but as millions in the West took to social media to share their anger and grief, there are numerous other attacks across the globe that go largely unreported in the mainstream media. The list below complied by RT highlights just five that have been largely forgotten: NIGERIA – Over 80 killed, children burned to death On January 30, Boko Haram terrorists killed 86 people after they attacked a village in northeast Nigeria.

Fidel Castro Slams "Illustrious Visitor" Obama's "Honeyed Words", Cuba "Needs No Gifts From The Empire"

Fidel Castro Slams "Illustrious Visitor" Obama's "Honeyed Words", Cuba "Needs No Gifts From The Empire"

Having spent a couple of days glad-handing (and watching baseball) with Raul Castro in Cuba, 89-year-old Fidel Castro has come out swinging against "the empire" with a bristling 1500-word open letter recounting the history of US aggression against Cuba suggesting Obama "reflects and doesn't try to develop theories about Cuban politics." Despite all of The White House's claims of progress, Castro rages "we don't need the empire to give us any presents."

"Forgotten Sandlot" Or "The Next Dubai"? This Tiny African Nation Is Now A Geopolitical Hot Spot

"Forgotten Sandlot" Or "The Next Dubai"? This Tiny African Nation Is Now A Geopolitical Hot Spot

When last we checked in on Djibouti, the tiny east African nation of 900,000 people that shares a border with lawless Somalia to the south, and is separated from war-torn Yemen by just 13 miles of water across the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, China had just announced that the country would play host to Beijing’s first overseas military outpost.

Nearly 5,000 miles from the Chinese capital, Djibouti is situated in a highly strategic, if exceedingly dangerous part of the world.
