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Air Force One

Trump Weighs Military "Saturation Strike" In Syria, Resulting In Russian Deaths

The Pentagon has briefed President Trump on various military options the US can conduct in response to the poison gas attack in Syria that killed scores of civilians, and which Washington has blamed on the Syrian government, a U.S. official told Reuters.

Options include things like implementing a "no fly zone" or grounding aircraft used by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces, an official quoted by Reuters said.

F-15s Cause Sonic Boom Over Palm Beach In Scramble To Intercept Unresponsive Aircraft

F-15s Cause Sonic Boom Over Palm Beach In Scramble To Intercept Unresponsive Aircraft

New Yorkers, and certainly their mayor Bill de Blasio, complained bitterly about the traffic chaos unleashed by then president-elect Donald Trump when he used his Fifth Avenue-located Trump Tower as campaign headquarters, resulting in logistical and security chaos. Now it's the turn of Palm Beach, where Trump resides on most weekends in his Mar-A-Lago "Winter White House" (at a cost to taxpayers of approximately $3 million per trip).

Corporate America Setting Up "War Rooms" To Prep For Potential Trump Tweets

Since November 8th, several public companies have unsuspectingly fallen into the cross hairs of Trump tweets sending their stocks gyrating violently while adding or erasing millions of dollars worth of market cap in a matter of seconds.  Here is just a small sample:

KGB Sends Trump His First Directive: Axe F-35, Buy MiG-35 Instead

Sleeper agent Donat Ivanovich Trolstoyevski, better known as US President Donald Trump, has been issued with his first directive by the KGB. During a telephone conversation with Putin at KGB HQ in Moscow over the weekend, Trolstoyevski was ordered to “Axe the F-35 and buy Russian MiG-35 instead.” The Trump Administration has ordered a full review of the costly F-35 program. KGB sources say that Trump is already negotiating a contract with Russia for 10,000 beautiful MiG-35s. By Paul Kaiser: The F-35 is a complete disaster.

Lockheed Agrees To Cut F-35 Price Below $100 Million In Latest Victory For Trump

Lockheed Agrees To Cut F-35 Price Below $100 Million In Latest Victory For Trump

Less than a month after president-elect Trump first tweeted about the F-35's high costs, and a week after he brought up the F-35 in his first press conference, Reuters reports that The U.S. Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin are close to deal for a contract worth almost $9 billion as negotiations are poised to bring the price per F-35 below $100 million for the first time.
