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Guest Post: Will A "Socialist" Government Make Americans Freer?

Submitted by Jason Kuznicki via Foundation for Economic Education,

“Socialism” is a weasel word.

Consider that the adjective “socialist” applies commonly — even plausibly — to countries with vastly different ex ante institutions and with vastly different social and economic outcomes. Yet Canada, Norway, Venezuela, and Cuba can’t all be one thing. Does socialism mean substantial freedom of the press, as in Norway? Or does it mean the vicious suppression of dissent, as in Venezuela?

The 10th GOP Debate Begins: And Then There Were 5 - Live Feed

The 10th GOP Debate Begins: And Then There Were 5 - Live Feed

With the field down to the fantastic five, tonight's GOP debate - the last chance to hatchet your opponent before Super Tuesday - should be a real deathmatch. With The Donald so far ahead, Kasich and Carson have nothing to lose and Rubio and Cruz will be lobbing soundbite-grenades at one another as well as taking aim at Trump. In light of Trump's comments on Tuesday night, "it's going to be an amazing two months... we might not even need the two months, folks, to be honest," the gloves must come off.

Trump Gains Yuuge Lead At Bookies; Everything Establishment Knew About Politics "Is Out Of The Window"

Trump Gains Yuuge Lead At Bookies; Everything Establishment Knew About Politics "Is Out Of The Window"

"It's time to say no to professional politicians and yes to someone who has created jobs and grown a business," says Chris Collins, a Republican congressman from Trump's home state of New York, but he is among a quiet few among the entrenched establishment that is "confused and cowed" as The Donald soars to a massive lead at the bookies.
