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Syria Stunner: German Intelligence "Cooperating" With Assad, Berlin May Reopen Embassy In Damascus

Syria Stunner: German Intelligence "Cooperating" With Assad, Berlin May Reopen Embassy In Damascus

John Kerry went to Moscow on Tuesday and was absolutely elated when he stumbled on a Dunkin Donuts:

But America’s top diplomat didn’t travel halfway around the world just to get coffee (we don't think). He also met with Sergei Lavrov and Vladimir Putin to discuss (what else?) Syria. You can get a decent idea of which side prevailed by taking a quick look at the following priceless image captured during a discussion between three of the world’s most powerful government officials:

GOP Debate Post-Mortem: "Chaos" Trump, "Full Vagina" Fiorina, & "Thug-Life" Cruz Vs "Carpet-Bomb-'em" Rubio

Despite the best efforts to "Le Pen" Trump out of the debate, he still managed to garner the highest votes among poll audiences with regard who 'won' the debate, focusing on killing ISIS family members, border walls, shutting down the internet, and fixing America's roads and bridges. Ben Carson's moment of silence was his first truthful statement in months.
