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Second Cockroach: Canadian Mortgage Lender Crashes After Admitting Mortgage Fraud

Second Cockroach: Canadian Mortgage Lender Crashes After Admitting Mortgage Fraud

Back in April/May, Canada's biggest mortgage lender, Home Capital Group, crashed its way into the headlines, coming clean over its balance sheet-full of liar loans, suffered a bank run, and was forced  to take emergency liquidty from taxpaying pensioners, and was eventually bailed out by good old Warren Buffett.

"Probably nothing..."

Well just when everyone though that crisis was over, a second cockroach in the Canadian mortgage bubble fiasco just emerged...

UBS Unveils Its Top 5 Themes And 19 Trades For 2018

UBS Unveils Its Top 5 Themes And 19 Trades For 2018

Coming in a little late to the game, UBS today released its top 5 themes and 19 trades for 2018. Not surprising from the bank whose base case S&P forecast is 2,900 one year from now (with potential upside to 3,200), and who just told CNBC that "valuations are still somewhat cheap", the bank is optimistic, if not "rationally euphoric" and writes that it all boils down to one question: will the Kool-Aid party continue, or "will underlying macro shifts reveal fragilities in asset valuations" and more specifically, will the yield curve invert. To wit:

JPMorgan Has Some Bad News For Bitcoin Bears

JPMorgan Has Some Bad News For Bitcoin Bears

Just over two months ago, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said he considered bitcoin to be a "fraud" that "will not end well," and would fire any JPM trader trading it. The very next day, one of JPM's most respected analysts, quant wizard Marko Kolanovic wrote a lengthy report to substantiate his boss' anger and skepticism, concluding that cryptocurrencies are most likely pyramid schemes and "that the future for cryptocurrencies will likely not be bright."
