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Is California Replacing Its 'Prison-Industrial Complex' With Something Worse?

Is California Replacing Its 'Prison-Industrial Complex' With Something Worse?

Authored by Sarah Cronin via,

California made headlines last week when Governor Jerry Brown allocated a record $11.4 billion to the state’s corrections department in his May Revision to the budget, translating to $75,560 per individual — the highest per-inmate cost in the nation.

Media outlets ran amok with headlines comparing the costs of imprisonment to tuition at the country’s premier private university.

CNN Commentator Calls Republicans Racist And Sexist For Interrupting Kamala Harris

Below is a perfect example of why civilized political discourse is no longer possible in the United States. 

Twice in the past two weeks, first with deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then again yesterday with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the freshman Senator from California, Kamala Harris, chose to pursue an aggressive series of questions that many have interpreted simply as an effort to patronize, mock and/or embarrass witnesses before the Senate Intelligence Committee. 

New Real-Estate Website Helps Conservatives Leave "Commie-Fornia" For North Texas

New Real-Estate Website Helps Conservatives Leave "Commie-Fornia" For North Texas

While leftists accuse red states that went for Trump during the election of being “moochers” – i.e. they receive more federal aid dollars than they collect from their residents – some on the right are already trying to encourage their conservative peers to leave liberal states like California behind and return to the American heartland, a local CBS affiliate reports.
