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Monsanto Sues California Over Claims That Roundup Causes Cancer

Monsanto has filed a lawsuit against the State of California in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that their chemical herbicide Roundup causes cancer.  Monsanto is complaining that California’s demand that they list glyphosate, the main chemical used in Roundup, as a possible “carcinogen” on its labelling will put people off from buying it.

Major Earthquake Warning As Carbon Monoxide Levels Explode On West Coast

A huge widespread carbon monoxide (CO) spike has occurred over the entire West Coast of America – stretching from British Columbia, through Washington and Oregon, and on over most of California. Very little media coverage has yet been given, but early indications suggest that this might be a precursor to a major earthquake about to occur. reports: Some theory on a possible earthquake connection from Earth emits a burst of carbon monoxide (CO) a few days before an earthquake, according to geophysicist Ramesh Singh.

Scientists Warn Of Armageddon In California

Scientists from the United States and Mexico have issued a serious warning on the dangers of a destructive mega earthquake hitting California in the near future.  Geologists of Mexico and UC Davis (USA) expanded on a USGS study that suggest tremors may produce a “domino effect” in the San Andreas fault network in California, which could lead to Armageddon for anybody living in California. reports: A research from 2008 showed that a strong magnitude 8.0 quake in California was likely to happen.
