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One Chart Shows The Awful Fiscal Trajectory Of Chicago Area And Illinois

One Chart Shows The Awful Fiscal Trajectory Of Chicago Area And Illinois

Authored by Mark Glennon via,

“Net position” is the government accounting term used for a balance sheet snapshot.

The chart shows net positions, in billions, for each of the last ten year ends, taken from the most recent CAFR, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, for Illinois, the City of Chicago (which are plotted on the right axis) and for Chicago’s two largest overlapping units of government, Cook County and the Chicago Public School District (which are plotted on the left).

Why Illinois Is In Trouble - 63,000 Public Employees With $100,000+ Salaries Cost Taxpayers $10 Billion

Why Illinois Is In Trouble - 63,000 Public Employees With $100,000+ Salaries Cost Taxpayers $10 Billion

Authored by Adam Andrzejewski via,

The 'Big Dogs' of local government in Illinois.

Illinois is broke and continues to flirt with junk bond status. But the state’s financial woes aren’t stopping 63,000 government employees from bringing home six-figure salaries and higher.

Small Town Suburbia Faces Dire Financial Crisis As Companies, Millennials Flee To Big Cities

Small Town Suburbia Faces Dire Financial Crisis As Companies, Millennials Flee To Big Cities

College graduates and other young Americans are increasingly clustering in urban centers like New York City, Chicago and Boston. And now, American companies are starting to follow them. Companies looking to appeal to, and be near, young professionals versed in the world of e-commerce, software analytics, digital engineering, marketing and finance are flocking to cities. But in many cases, they’re leaving their former suburban homes to face significant financial difficulties, according to the Washington Post.

The Way Chicago "Works": Graft, Corruption, Political Connections, Bribes, Unions

The Way Chicago "Works": Graft, Corruption, Political Connections, Bribes, Unions

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Those who wish to understand how things work in Chicago need only read a single article that ties everything together: Teamsters boss indicted on charges of extorting $100,000 from a local business.

A politically connected Teamsters union boss was indicted Wednesday on federal charges alleging he extorted $100,000 in cash from a local business.


Illinois Budget: What It Does And Doesn't Do (Surprise Giveaway To Muni Bondholders?)

Illinois Budget: What It Does And Doesn't Do (Surprise Giveaway To Muni Bondholders?)

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Illinois now has a budget, the first in three fiscal years. An excellent writeup on The Stump entitled Illinois Financial Disaster: Even More Reactions to the Budget explains what passage of the budget does and does not do.

Here are some links mentioned by The Stump and a few additional links and comments by me.

The Budget Fixes Nothing
