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Trump Asks For $4 Billion To Beef Up US Missile-Defense Systems

Trump Asks For $4 Billion To Beef Up US Missile-Defense Systems

President Donald Trump is preparing to head to South Korea where he will meet with the country’s president (and purported “fine gentleman”) Moon Jae-in to strategize about their simmering standoff with North Korea. Meanwhile, back home, his allies in Congress are carrying out his instructions to request another $4 billion to expand the US’s missile-defense capabilities in the face of the growing threat from the North.


FBI Turns Over Hundreds Of Pages Of New Clinton Probe Documents

FBI Turns Over Hundreds Of Pages Of New Clinton Probe Documents

Now that obstructionist lawmakers have finally relented, Congressional efforts to investigate nefarious activities involving Democrats are finally moving forward following several bombshell revelations that the FBI may have turned a blind eye to controversial, potentially criminal actions involving powerful Democrats when FBI Director James Comey drafted a letter absolving Hillary Clinton and closing the bureau’s investigation into her alleged mishandling of classified information before she had even been interviewed.
